Strange times PT.2 | LESSONS
If you haven’t read part one just yet, click here to catch up. I reflected on what’s happened since this COVID-19 pandemic (aka that Rona) started, looking at the more inherently negative side of things but also looking at the lights in the tunnel as well.
So… what now?
Lockdown has extended for another three weeks and I’m sure we all have differing feelings about that. I can’t remember where but someone had shared something along the lines of “We’re all in the same storm but not on the same boat.” We all have our personal circumstances that can make our situations different in this pandemic. Some may have found their rhythm and are ready to smash the extension. Others may feel in despair as they look at their work and then look at their kids thinking “how am I going to manage for another three weeks?” No matter how we feeling about the extension, can I encourage us to look out for the little lessons that may be heading our way?
WHAT LESSONS COULD SERIOUSLY COME OUT OF A TIME LIKE THIS???? We’re in a crisis and I’m just about trying to keep my head together and stay sane! What could I possibly learn from this horrible time where I can’t go and visit anyone, I can’t see my loved ones and give them a hug and there is fear everywhere? You must be joking, right?
Nope. I’m not joking. We can choose to consume and sit in all of the stories the media feeds us: the death tolls, the lack of PPE for key workers, global fear, the racism that has arisen as a result of the Coronavirus. We can consistently feed on all of the bad but it just makes us unhealthy and always worried or we could take the information that we are given and let that be our fuel to take action and bring about change. We can look for and lean into the silver linings, opportunities and lessons that may be staring us right in our faces.
Here are 5 teach-ables I’ve been pondering over the last month:
It’s ABSOLUTELY surprising to me HOW MANY PEOPLE DIDN’T REALLY WASH THEIR HANDS, especially in places where we are privileged enough to have taps, sinks and clean running water! I mean, we sometimes see in public toilets like the cinema, restaurants and airports the odd person that leaves the cubicle and heads straight for the door, and then you need to do the awkward thing of getting a tissue to touch the door handle OR try and open the door with your foot. However I just didn’t realise that putting soap and water on your hands didn’t seem like a necessity for some people. I hope this has now changed and will continue to be something that we do together as a nation now and forever, amen.
Also shocking to me how many rebellious teenagers there are out there - and I really don’t mean actual teens in this context. I’m talking about adults - full grown adults - going to their friend’s house for a party, meeting to have picnics in the park with people outside of their household, not keeping 2 metres away from others… Lord help us!
I don’t want to end this point on a sour note so THANK YOU to everyone who is staying at home, washing their hands and keeping social distance guidelines. You’re heroes 😁.
We hear the saying above quite a bit relating to life and death, sometimes glossing over it. This pandemic has not only reminded me how fragile human life is, but also how incredibly quickly our comfortable lives could change. In the Bible it says this:
“Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.”
We’ve (me included) acted so certain in what we were going to do the next day, over the weekend, at work next week, the holiday in the next month but now some opportunities to do those things have been taken away from us due to restrictions.
However in all of this we are encouraged not to worry, especially not for the troubles of tomorrow, in Matthew 6:25-34. This is not to say don’t make plans because it is good to plan, but don’t intensely worry over them and hold the plans too tightly as things could change - even without pandemic related things!
Love your neighbour
How is your neighbourhood?
How are the elderly on your street?
Who even is your neighbour?
I am so guilty of only knowing a couple of people where I live but a lovely lady set up a WhatsApp group so that we can all check on each other which has been great.
What could we do you bring life and light to our street mates (and our friends) at this time? Could you host an online quiz night? Put a note of encouragement through people’s doors or in your group chat?
How can you use your skills to help people in need? Can you offer some professional help? Are you able to pick up shopping for a neighbour? There are people who are using their brilliant sewing skills to make gowns and masks for nurses in the NHS & key workers. The possibilities are vast!
Two lovely ladies I know own a STUNNING bespoke card business called Curious Pencil Ltd (they actually did the invites and programmes for my wedding) and in their #CardsForNHS campaign, they are raising money to produce cards of encouragement for 21,000 NHS staff! How wonderful is that?? Find out more by watching the video below and click here to donate.
When we think about how to help people and how to cater to their needs, let’s not JUST think surface level (finances and food. Let us also consider the emotional and mental needs.
Hello Church. Attention please!
I sincerely believe that God uses all situations to catch the attention of His people. I imagine:
“Yooo whoooo! Yes you. Can you see what’s happening around you? What are you going to do about it?”
At this point I believe that God is reminding the Church globally to really wake up, unite and pray. I won’t knock the fact that some of us have been praying for revival and spiritual awakening in our nation for years. However that are still others of us, especially in the West, that have given in to the comfort of comfortable lives and allowed the beef between different groups of churches to keep us separated. One of the things I sense that this is a wake up call to mature and leave childish things behind. Petty arguments, misconceptions, the “I can’t vibe with them because the way they worship is too different” vibe. Maturity and unity in Christ is needed now more than ever!
I am loving seeing prayer initiatives pop up as collaborations between different churches, different ministers and worship leaders at this time breaking down barriers of race, class and denomination.
Another things I believe God is awakening creativity in the way we serve people and staying ahead. For example, using video calls and Social Media to host group prayers. Many church were streaming their Sunday services way before the Coronavirus and now isolation has forced others to follow suit, also giving permission to get creative! And it’s not just serving the church I am talking about in this point. How do we as the body of Christ help those who are by themselves or do not have access to the internet so they stay connected with people? How do we become a listening ear for those who don’t go to church but really need someone to talk to? How do we care for key workers at this time? Is there anything we can do to encourage and support them? The questions are many and churches are really planning and taking action!
There are shifts happening. Let’s lean into them.
My foundation is not as firm as I thought…
For some of us the security of our schedules, good health, money, jobs, business ventures, relationships whether through death or people showing their true colours, hopes and dreams have been shaken to the very core. All of us have been effected at some level. We’ve had our safety blankets snatched away from us violently and we’ve been left exposed, unprotected, uncovered. Our identities are now confused and we have to ask ourselves who we actually are.
My question to you is this: what will you do now? Don’t bottle your frustrations and your fears up. That is not healthy.
Mourn. Cry. Scream.
Write down your frustrations.
Confide in people.
Speak to a counsellor/therapist.
Allow yourself to process and don’t rush it. BUT don’t stay there forever. Be thankful for the good in what you have lost and look forward to the hope of the future. Realign your priorities. Pray, worship and deepen a relationship with Jesus. Be creative and do things which are life giving (with wisdom). Affirm and encourage yourself. And breathe…
I understand that this post may be a bit much to take in in one sitting, so I encourage you to really take in what you can now and then come back for the rest as and when you can handle it. Also if you have any lessons you’d like to share, please do put them in the comments. I’d LOVE to hear from you.
Thank you so much for reading and may God’s crazy peace (one that surpasses all understanding and doesn’t make sense) be with you.