Organised & Productive

I have been internally frustrated and uncomfortable recently, and I think it’s my body coming to terms with the reduction of productivity in my life haha! It’s like I’m thirsty and hungry for it, so I definitely need to work it back into my life!

I remember the good ol’ days when:

  • I used to have a specific getting ready playlist - a careful selection of songs of specific lengths that I would use when showering, brushing my teeth and getting dressed.

  • I’d be 3 blog posts ahead, so if a week was hectic I’d have back ups!

  • Planning my week in diary - physical diary I might add. I still LOVE writing stuff down, and it also means less time on technology.

  • Planning exercise 3 weeks at a time*

*YES 3 weeks! I gave each day of exercise a theme and made playlists for each day - adding three weeks worth of videos. For example:

  • Monday = Dance with Kukuwa Fitness

  • Tuesday = Cardio with Millionaire Hoy

  • Thursday = Kickboxing with Keaira Lashae

  • Friday = Strength / stretching with Fitness Blender

So I would pick 3 videos for each lasting about 30 mins each and workout to them.

Now I found that the days have gotten away from me.

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Sometimes it’s good to add fuel to the motivation fire and I think Patricia Bright’s video from Friday is fuel for me. Funnily enough watching it reminded me of one other thing I used to do which was to plan my outfits in advance - whether for the whole week or 3 days at a time. Recently though I must say it has been a teeeeeeny bit difficult as I have been through a wardrobe detox with Anna Gold (she’s so good people!!) and we found most of my wardrobe is filled with statement pieces rather than everyday wear 😂😂😂. Nevertheless, this is a practice I can definitely go back to with what I have.

Have you been finding it hard to use your time a bit more wisely recently? Let this video be fuel for you to re-start the train of productivity.

What habits have / had you cultivated to help you be more organized? Share in the comments below!


Pursuing The Art Of Pausing


A lil check in